n a 4-part exposé, we reveal the most common misconceptions and best practice solutions surrounding B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing strategies.
‘I get results without a marketing plan’
Sporadic marketing practices, with a scatter gun approach provide variable and inconsistent results, with no brand building qualities whatsoever.
When analysed, potential customers require three touch points before they recall your business and associate it with a leading provider.
From gaining awareness of a brand, to receiving a ‘Thank you for your business’ message, a customer’s journey consists of many steps. At GPM we know the process a customer or prospective customer takes to achieve a goal with your company. The goal may be making a purchase, joining a mailing list, or anything in-between. With a coordinated, proactive marketing plan, results can not only be achieved, but verified as successful.
‘You don’t need a professional to get results’
A marketing strategy needs to be driven by knowledge, experience, and the right tactics. Knowing what produces results and what doesn’t is a specialised skill, learnt through experience.
It is often said that 50% of a marketing budget works, and 50% doesn’t – the skill is knowing which 50% is working to maximise budget spend and produce the most impact.
With over 45 years of combined marketing experience promoting product manufacturers, GPM understands what your customers are looking for, and with an enviable track-record in promoting leading security industry brands, GPM offers professional implementation and advice to make a real difference to your brand – ensuring you stand out from the crowd, grow sales and increase your bottom line.